Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kraft belVita Breakfast

This is not a sponsored post.

First of all, I would like to say that I'm really grateful because I've been receiving ads even though I've not been blogging recently. Thank you to my loyal readers :) Love you all!

So recently, I've received an advertisement from belVita and I was really surprised because I realised that I've not purchased this product for ages! I guess that's the point of advertisements aye? To remind/promote customers about their products.

I was actually introduced to this product by one of my friend last year. I really loved it so I decided to share it with you guys! I also tried to take some pictures and I know I'm still lacking, but there's still no harm to practice right? :)

What's your favourite flavour? Mine would be Crunchy Oats :) Many people also love the Milk and Cereals flavour. These biscuits come in packets which would be very convenient whenever you're in a rush!


You can also check the nutrition information for other flavours on their website.

According to belVita, it is scientifically proven that you are able to store sustainable energy up to 4 hours! (With a glass of low fat milk)

Head down to the nearest supermarket to try one of these delicious flavours!
Also, don't forget to visit their website for more information! The animations are really cool! Just click on the ad below or click here!